Paul Haw Paul Haw

Recent Visitors

Many interesting visitors from all over Australia have recently. See what some of them are saying.

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Paul Haw Paul Haw

Secrets of Scarred Trees

So much history is hidden within each scarred tree. Discover it for yourself on a tour of the wetlands around Boort.

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Paul Haw Paul Haw

Footprints Across the Loddon Plains

Footprints Across the Loddon Plains is a book that documents the rich history of the Aboriginal people and the early settlers of the Loddon Plains area, the home of the Yung Balug Clan.

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Paul Haw Paul Haw

Wattle Seed Trial

Wattle seed is abundant and is a nutritious food source that the Aborigines relied upon. At Yung Balug Museum we are conducting a trial to grow and harvest various species of Acacia for food and conservation.

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Paul Haw Paul Haw

A Rush to Make Baskets

Aboriginal artist Marilyne Nicholls collects rushes from Lake Boort to weave baskets, just as Aboriginal women have done for generations.

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