All tours are by appointment only.

All our tours are captivating and informative for groups or individuals of all ages.

Museum Tours

Tour the Yung Balug Aboriginal Artefacts Museum and discover the fascinating history that can be found within the collection. You will learn much about Aboriginal history through the photographs, artworks and various kinds of handmade tools, weapons and other belongings. Interact and handle some of the items and even grind some wattle seed with the same rocks that have been used for this purpose for centuries.

Environmental Tours

Take an Environmental Tour and discover a museum without walls. You will tour Lake Boort which is home to the highest concentration of scarred trees in Australia. See the numerous cooking mounds or ‘middens’ and discover how the Aboriginals cooked their food. Also learn by seeing for yourself the important flora and fauna of the area.

a couple viewing an Aboriginal scar tree at Lake Boort

For schools

Your students will discover what they can’t learn from a textbook. We offer tours for all ages of students, primary, secondary and beyond. Our tours are hands-on, visual and intriguing and your class will develop a deeper understanding of Aboriginal history.

School children viewing Aboriginal artefacts in a museum at Boort

For groups, families or individuals

There is so much to learn for all. Everybody, young and old will discover something new. Organise a tour with your community group, your family or even come by yourself.

For those with disabilities

The Yung Bulag Museum is suitable for a wheelchair and those with mobility issues. We also have chairs to sit on during the tour for those who find it difficult to stand for longer periods. We want to make your visit with us as enjoyable as possible so let us know if you have any special needs so we may cater for you the best way we can.


There is no entry fee to the museum, but we appreciate a donation as you see fit. The museum can only continue to run thanks to the generous support from donations. If you would like to donate to the Yung Balug Museum, please follow the link below. 100% of the donations received goes towards improving the exhibition.