All visits to the Yung Balug Museum are by appointment only.

Opening Times

All visits to the Yung Balug Aboriginal Artefacts Museum and tours of the surrounding wetlands may be arranged for any day and any time; just book an appointment first.

Aboriginal Artefacts Museum

The Yung Balug Aboriginal Artefacts Museum offers informative tours for groups and individuals of all ages. Come and see the large collection of Aboriginal artefacts and learn about Australian history.

Environmental Tours

Environmental tours of the surrounding wetlands can also be arranged. You can take a guided tour around Lake Boort which is home to the highest concentration of scarred trees in Australia. Around the edge of the lake there can also be found at least 50 cooking mounds.


There is no entry fee to the museum, but we appreciate a donation as you see fit. The museum can only continue to run thanks to the generous support from donations. If you would like to donate to the Yung Balug Museum, please follow the link below. 100% of the donations received goes towards improving the exhibition.

To book your visit click the button above or phone